Creating Wealth - Use your EPF savings to generate Money

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Smoke Detector Guidelines

Smoke Detector Tips

Smoke alarms save precious minutes -- alerting families to danger before smoke and gases can overcome them. In a home fire, smoke detectors are your best protection.


Placement of smoke detectors:

  • Location. Consider which parts of the house need protecting, where a fire would be most dangerous and how many units are needed. Plan one for each floor or level.
  • Sleeping areas. Put a detector within 10 feet of each bedroom door, preferably in the hallway. In a hallway longer than 30 feet, install one at each end. A unit in each room provides maximum protection.

  • Living room. Keep detector away from a fireplace to avoid false alarms.
  • Hall and stairwell. Place a detector at the top of each stairwell and at each end of a long hall.
  • Kitchen (eating/dining area) - Keep detector away from cooking fumes.
  • Basement. Mount a detector on the ceiling/beam at the bottom of the stairs, away from the exhaust of a heating unit.

  • Read the installation instructions that come with the detector.
  • Keep units 6 inches away from the dead air space near walls and corners.
  • If mounted on a wall, place unit 6-12 inches below the ceiling and away from a corner.

  • Do not place a detector closer than 3 feet from an air register that might re-circulate smoke.
  • Do not place a unit on an uninsulated exterior wall or ceiling.
  • Place smoke detectors at least 3 feet from ceiling fans.

  • Check the alarm every 30 days. Push test button or fan smoke underneath the unit.
  • Replace batteries twice a year.
  • Clean the detector's face and grill to remove dust or grease.
  • Keep spare batteries on hand.
  • Follow manufacturer's instructions.

Remember, from the time a fire starts, family members have less than 4 minutes to escape. Do not attempt to extinguish a fire unless it can be put out in a few seconds.

Source :

10 Tips For Fire Safety

1. Install Smoke Detectors.
WORKING SMOKE DETECTORS can alert you to a fire in your home in time for you to escape, even if you are sleeping. Install smoke detectors on every level of your home, including the basement, and outside each sleeping area. If you sleep with the door closed, install one inside your sleeping area as well.
Test detectors every month, following the manufacturer's directions, and replace batteries once a year, or whenever a detector "chirps" to signal low battery power. Never "borrow" a smoke detector's battery for another use - a disabled detector can't save your life. Replace detectors that are more than 10 years old.

 2. Plan Your Escape From Fire.
IF A FIRE BREAKS OUT in your home, you have to get out fast. Prepare for a fire emergency by sitting down with your family and agreeing on an escape plan. Be sure that everyone knows at least two unobstructed exits - doors and windows - from every room. (If you live in an apartment building, do not include elevators in your escape plan.) Decide on a meeting place outside where everyone will meet after they escape. Have your entire household practice your escape plan at least twice a year.

 3. Keep An Eye On Smokers.
Careless smoking can cause of fire deaths. Smoking in bed or when you are drowsy could be deadly. Provide smokers with large, deep non-tip ashtrays and soak butts with water before discarding them. Before going to bed or leaving home after someone has been smoking, check under and around cushions and upholstered furniture for smoldering cigarettes.

 4. Cook Carefully.
Never leave cooking unattended. Keep cooking areas clear of combustibles and wear clothes with short, rolled-up or tight-fitting sleeves when you cook. Turn pot handles inward on the stove where you can't bump them and children can't grab them. Enforce a "Kid-Free Zone" three feet (one meter) around your kitchen stove. If grease catches fire in a pan, slide a lid over the pan to smother the flames and turn off the heat. Leave the lid on until cool.

 5. Give Space Heaters Space.
Keep portable heaters and space heaters at least three feet (one meter) from anything that can burn. keep children and pets away from heaters, and never leave heaters on when you leave home or go to bed.

 6. Remember: Matches And Lighters Are Tools, Not Toys.
In a child's hand, matches and lighters can be deadly. Use only child-resistant lighters and store all matches and lighters up high, where small children can't see or reach them, preferably in a locked cabinet. Teach your children that matches and lighters are tools, not toys, and should be used only by adults or with adult supervision. Teach young children to tell a grown-up if they find matches or lighters; older children should bring matches or lighters to an adult immediately.

 7. Cool A Burn.
Run cool water over a burn for 10 to 15 minutes. Never put butter or any grease on a burn. If the burned skin blisters or is charred, see a doctor immediately. Never use ice.

 8. Use Electricity Safely.
If an electrical appliance smokes or has an unusual smell, unplug it immediately, then have it serviced before using it again. Replace any electrical cord that is cracked or frayed. Don't overload extension cords or run them under rugs. Dont' tamper with your fuse box or use improper-size fuses.

 9. Crawl Low Under Smoke.
During a fire, smoke and poisonous gases rise with the heat. The air is cleaner near the floor. If you encounter smoke while you are escaping from a fire, use an alternate escape route.

10. Stop, Drop And Roll.
If your clothes catch fire, don't run. Stop where you are, drop to the ground, cover your face with your hands, and roll over and over to smother the flames.

Source :

Get a package of fire extinguishing kit consists of 1 Fire extinguisher, 1 Fire Blanket and 1 Smoke Detector for only RM125. Free delivery within Peninsular Malaysia. Read more here.

Home Guard - Fire Protection For Your House


: HomeGuard

Description :
- 1 unit 1kg ABC dry powder Fire Extinguisher
- 1 unit Battery Operated Smoke Detector
- 1 unit 4' x 4' Fire Blanket

This product is a must for every house. 
Price RM125 (free delivery within Peninsular Malaysia). 
Please call me at

Read more on Smoke Detector here.

Monday, December 28, 2009

1 Car 1 Fire Extinguisher

TANGKAK: “Tolong selamatkan saya, potong saja kaki saya, tolong keluarkan saya.” Begitu kata-kata terakhir seorang lelaki yang rentung bersama tiga anaknya selepas van mereka naiki terbalik sebelum terbakar dalam kemalangan ngeri membabitkan empat kenderaan di Jalan Muar-Tangkak di Parit Bunga di sini, malam kelmarin....baca berita penuh disini.

Sungguh sedih membaca berita ini, saya tak dapat bayangkan perasaan mereka yang terlibat untuk cuba menyelamatkan mangsa. Yang lebih menyedihkan lagi ketidakupayaan orang yang berada disitu untuk membantu memadamkan api.

Saya sendiri sering tertanya-tanya kenapa kereta yang terbakar tiada siapa yang mampu memadamkannya. Namun sekarang setelah saya sendiri mengikuti banyak kursus-kursus keselamatan dan terutamanya kursus memadam kebakaran saya faham kenapa usaha kita gagal. Jadi saya terpanggil untuk kongsi maklumat ini supaya ianya menjadi teladan kepada kita dan InsyaAllah moga ianya berguna untuk menyelamatkan nyawa orang.

1. Untuk kebakaran terjadi, ia memerlukan 3 elemen iaitu api (haba), udara (Oksigen) dan bahan mudah terbakar (combustible). Tanpa tiga2 elemen wujud sekali kebakaran tidak akan terjadi.Kalau petrol (bahan mudah terbakar) dan udara sahaja wujud kebakaran tidak akan terjadi, namun apabila elemen pelengkap iaitu api (dalam apa jua bentuk, eg. : percikan api) wujud maka kebakaran akan terjadi.
Sebab itulah kita dilarang hisap rokok/ menyalakan api distesen2 minyak dan untuk sebab yang sama juga kita tidak dibenarkan menggunakan telefon bimbit (H/p boleh hasilkan arka elektrik)

2. Untuk memadamkan kebakaran, kita hendaklah putuskan rantaian 3 elemen tadi. Ini boleh dilakukan dengan menghilankan satu / dua elemen dalam rangkaian kebakaran tersebut. Agen yang perlu kita gunakan untuk memadamkan api bergantung kepada jenis kebakaran. Kebanyakan kebakaran boleh dipadamkan menggunakan air namun ada setengah-setengah kebakaran lebih mudah dan selamat dipadamkan menggunkan agen pemadaman yang lain. Untuk kebakaran minyak, agen pemadaman yang lebih sesuai ialah buih (foam) atau debu kering (dry powder).

3.  Kebakaran kenderaan selalunya melibatkan minyak (petrol/ diesel / minyak hitam). Kebakaran kenderaan boleh dipadam dengan air namun kita perlukan kuantiti yang banyak untuk memadamkan kebakaran minyak. Selalunya apabila terjadi kebakaran kenderaan kita jauh daripada sumber air. Berikutan itu, cara yang terbaik untuk memadamkan api ini adalah menggunakan buih atapun debu kering. (Baca disini mengenai cara memilih jenis alat pemadam api) Debu kering diklasifikasikan sebagai alat pemadam api kelas A,B dan C.

4. Malangnya kenderaan2 di Malaysia jarang dilengkapi dengan alat pemadam api mudah alih (debu kering) ini. Di setengah-tengah negara alat pemudam api adalah salah satu kemestian sebagai sebahagian aksesori kereta. (baca keperluan-keperluan membawa kenderaan di Eropah disini.)

Saya merasakan kita hendalaklah melabur untuk membeli sebuah alat pemadam api mudah alih yang harganya teramat sangat murah untuk dibandingkan dengan nyawa seperti kes diatas dimana jika salah seorang mereka yang berada ditempat kejadian mempunyai alat pemadam api maka api tersebut dapat dikawal. Dalam kes ini, mereka telah cuba menggunakan air untuk memadamkan api tersebut dan seperti yang telah saya terangkan, kita memerlukan air yang banyak untuk memadamkan api ini.

Banyak juga kes-kes dimana kenderaan yang tidak terlibat dalam kemalangan namun disebabkan 'overheat' terbakar. Jika ini terjadi kepada kenderaan kita sendiri, sudah pasti alat pemadam api ini mampu selamatkan harta kita. Apalah nilai alat pemadam api ni jika hendak dibandingkan dengan harga kereta kita.

Beberapa fakta mengenai alat pemadam api mudah alih debu kering (ABC Powder)
1. Debu kering ini sesuai untuk digunakan untuk hampir semua jenis kebakaran (minyak, alat elektrik mahupun kayu)
2. Alat pemadam api ni terdapat dalam beberapa saiz. (biasanya 1kg, 3kg dan 9kg) Untuk kenderaan, saiz yang sesuai adalah 1kg.
3. Untuk kegunaan dirumah boleh digunakan saiz 3kg ataupun 9kg.
4. Debu kering tidak merbahaya jika terkena pada kulit (untuk kulit normal) namun berhati-hati supaya tidak terhidu dalam kuantiti yang banyak dan juga elakkan daripada termasuk kedalam mata.
5. Jika hendak beli alat ini, pastikan ianya adalah yang mendapat kelulusan daripada Bomba
6. Pastikan juga ianya mempunyai petunjuk tekanan supaya anda tahu samada ianya boleh digunakan atau tidak.

Kaedah penggunaan
1. Sila ikut arahan yang terdapat dalam label produk
2. Halakan hos / muncung pada sumber api iaitu dibawah nyalaan dan sembur. Tembak dan 'sway' muncung/ hos tersebut.
3. semasa sembur pastikan anda sembur searah dengan arah angin dan bukan bertentang. (untuk elakkan debu tersebut meniup kearah kita)
(watch the video here)

Dimana boleh saya dapatkan
1. Alat pemadam api ini boleh dibeli dari kedai-kedai yang menjual alat-alat keselamatan

2. Saya juga ada menjual alat pemadam api mudah ini dengan harga yang berpatutan.
Ciri-ciri produk
- Mempunyai kelulusan Bomba
- Mematuhi Standard Malaysia (Malaysian Standard)
- Mempunyai Kelulusan Sirim Malaysia
- Mempunyai petunjuk tekanan

Harga seunit PFE 1kg hanya RM65 sahaja (kos penghantaraan PERCUMA untuk semenanjung Malaysia) Jangan anggap ianya sebagai KOS, anggaplah ianya adalah sebagai satu PELABURAN. Pelaburan yang mungkin dapat menyelamatkan nyawa anda, keluarga anda mahupun orang lain.

Untuk maklumat lanjut dan urusan pesanan sila hubungi saya di 019-5756400 atau email ke Bayaran boleh dilakukan melalui bank-in atau transfer ke akaun Bank Islam, Maybank atau Public Bank.

Kerajaan mengalakkan semua pemilik kenderaan untuk memiliki alat pemadam api mudah alih ini...baca disini.

"Don't let your dreams go up in smoke - practice fire safety"

How to Use a Portable Fire Extinguisher Training Video

Fire Classification

correct fire extinguishent agents to be used depends on the type of fire. Listed below the classes of extinguishers with relevant type of fire.
  • Class A extinguishers are for ordinary combustible materials such as paper, wood, cardboard, and most plastics. The numerical rating on these types of extinguishers indicates the amount of water it holds and the amount of fire it can extinguish.
  • Class B fires involve flammable or combustible liquids such as gasoline, kerosene, grease and oil. The numerical rating for class B extinguishers indicates the approximate number of square feet of fire it can extinguish.
  • Class C fires involve electrical equipment, such as appliances, wiring, circuit breakers and outlets. Never use water to extinguish class C fires - the risk of electrical shock is far too great! Class C extinguishers do not have a numerical rating. The C classification means the extinguishing agent is non-conductive.
  • Class D fire extinguishers are commonly found in a chemical laboratory. They are for fires that involve combustible metals, such as magnesium, titanium, potassium and sodium. These types of extinguishers also have no numerical rating, nor are they given a multi-purpose rating - they are designed for class D fires only.


Some items you should be carrying when Driving in France:

UK Driving License - Compulsory to carry this when driving in France - failure = on the spot fines!

Car registration documents - log book must be carried with you at all times. This can also incur an on the spot fine!

Headlamp Adaptors - UK vehicles are designed for driving on the left hand side of the road this will mean that when driving in France you will dazzle oncoming drivers. Failure to adapt your headlamps will render the vehicle UNFIT for the road. invalidating your motor insurance  and could result in a spot fine

GB Stickers - these are required by International Law to indicate Country of Registration

Warning Triangles - In France warning triangle must be placed 50 - 150 metres behind your vehicle to warn approaching traffic if your vehicle breaks down or is involved in an accident.  Hazard warning lights alone are not sufficient

Fluorescent Safety Vest - Obligatory to carry this in your vehicle while driving in France, in fact it must be within reach so that if you have an accident or breakdown, you can get out of the car you were driving with it on, so don't put it in the boot of your car!

Spare Bulbs - All car lamps, lenses and reflectors must be in working order at all times - failure to replace a broken bulb could result in a spot fine so always carry spares for all your car lights

Spare Specs - Yes a spare pair of glasses are required if you have contact lenses and are going to be driving in France.

First Aid Kit - A First Aid kit must be carried in your vehicle at all times when driving in France.

Fire Extinguisher - If you fail to render assistance in the event of a fire or take necessary precautions to prevent a fire from escalating is an offence

Insurance Policies - If the driver/owner of a vehicle fails to comply with the law and fails to ensure the vehicle is roadworthy for the country he intends to visit could result in the insurance company repudiating liability under the Policy.

Failure to Comply - On the spot fines can be imposed In the event of prosecution and conviction for failure to comply with the legal requirements of EU countries.

Fire extinguishers for cars

Fire extinguishers for cars

Thursday, November 12th, 2009 05:40:00

DEPUTY Transport Minister Datuk Robert Lau Hoi Chew has urged motorists to keep a portable  fire extinguisher in their cars as a safety measure.
He said motor vehicle  fires have increased in recent years, with 800 cases of car  res reported last year, equivelant to two cars  fires a day.
“Car owners who are equipped with a car extinguisher as the ‘first line of fire defence’ can save lives and
prevent injuries from motor vehicle  fires.”
Lau also said awareness level among motorists of the importance of wearing seat belts was still very low, especially for rear passengers, as surveys showed that only 15 per cent complied with the rear seat belt ruling.
“This is serious matter as research shows that 350 lives can be saved annually if rear seat passengers buckle up,” he said.
The Malaysian Statistics Department  data shows there are more than 11 million cars in Malaysia, but more than 95 per cent are not equipped with fire extinguishers.

Tolong, potong kaki saya!

Oleh Zalifah Mohd Yatim

TANGKAK: “Tolong selamatkan saya, potong saja kaki saya, tolong keluarkan saya.” Begitu kata-kata terakhir seorang lelaki yang rentung bersama tiga anaknya selepas van mereka naiki terbalik sebelum terbakar dalam kemalangan ngeri membabitkan empat kenderaan di Jalan Muar-Tangkak di Parit Bunga di sini, malam kelmarin.

Dalam kejadian jam 10.30 malam itu, Ong Dun Siong, 46, dan dua anak lelakinya, Ong Zhen Hui, 10, dan Ong Zhen Qi, 6, rentung dalam van berkenaan manakala seorang lagi anak lelakinya, Ong Zhen Jie, 3, meninggal dunia kira-kira jam 4 pagi semalam ketika dirawat di Hospital Pakar Sultanah Fatimah (HPSF) Muar.

Kemalangan turut menyebabkan isteri mangsa, Tan Kock Yew, 37, dan anak lelaki bongsu mereka, Ong Zhen Li yang baru berusia setahun serta seorang lagi rakan sekerja mangsa berusia 20-an dikenali Chan Chen Too, terselamat dengan hanya cedera ringan.

Saksi, Abdul Aziz Samad, 21, berkata dia bersama sepupu dalam perjalanan ke tapak expo di Dataran Tanjung Emas apabila terserempak kemalangan itu.
Menurutnya, dia antara saksi terawal di tempat kejadian dan cuba membantu beberapa ahli keluarga itu keluar dari kenderaan sebelum van terbabit terbakar dan meletup.

“Keadaan begitu menyayat hati apabila pemandu van itu merayu supaya diselamatkan walaupun sanggup kakinya dipotong,” katanya.

Seorang kenalan mangsa, Tay Kock Yew, 46, berkata keluarga terbabit dalam perjalanan dari Muar ke Tangkak untuk menghantar seorang rakan selepas menghadiri majlis keagamaan di sebuah gereja di sini.

Katanya, mangsa yang juga pekerja di Gereja Calvary di Jalan Kim Kee turut menghadiri dan mempengerusikan satu majlis keagamaan sempena sambutan Krismas yang berlangsung dari jam 8 hingga 10 malam kejadian.

“Dia baru mempengerusikan majlis keagamaan di gereja, tidak sampai setengah jalan perjalanan untuk menghantar seorang rakan sekerjanya pulang ke Tangkak apabila kami dikejutkan dengan berita nahas ngeri itu,” katanya ketika ditemui di pekarangan HPSF di sini, awal pagi semalam.

Pasukan Bomba dan Penyelamat Muar dan Ledang bergegas ke tempat kejadian bagi memadamkan kebakaran dan operasi mengeluarkan tiga mangsa yang rentung.

Kedua-dua anak Siong ditemui rentung di tempat duduk belakang van berkenaan manakala Siong ditemui tersepit di tempat duduk pemandu.

Ketua Polis Daerah Ledang, Superintendan Harun Idris, berkata kemalangan meragut nyawa empat sekeluarga itu berlaku membabitkan empat kenderaan termasuk van Nissan Vanette dinaiki keluarga itu.

Katanya, siasatan awal dijalankan mendapati sebuah Toyota Wish bernombor pendaftaran Singapura dari arah Muar ke Tangkak dipercayai cuba membelok ke simpang kanan laluan berkenaan.

Bagaimanapun, menurutnya, kenderaan pelbagai guna (MPV) itu dipercayai lambat membelok menyebabkan sebuah Toyota Innova yang datang arah Tangkak ke Muar terlanggar bahagian belakang sebelum memasuki laluan bertentangan dan bertembung van dinaiki keluarga itu.

“Sebuah kereta Toyota Vios yang berada di belakang van berkenaan pula melanggar belakang kenderaan mangsa menyebabkannya terpelanting sebelum terbalik dan terbakar berikutan terdapat kebocoran pada tangki minyak,” katanya.

Beliau berkata, mayat ketiga-tiga mangsa yang rentung dihantar ke Rumah Mayat Hospital Tangkak untuk dibedah siasat manakala seorang lagi mangsa meninggal dunia di HPSF sebelum keluarganya menuntut mayat mereka, jam 12.30 tengah hari, semalam.

Katanya, seorang lelaki iaitu pemandu warga Singapura berusia 30 tahun ditahan malam kelmarin untuk diambil keterangan bagi membantu siasatan mengikut Seksyen 41 Akta Pengangkutan Jalan.

“Bagaimanapun, lelaki itu dibebaskan dengan jaminan polis, pagi semalam sementara tindakan lanjut dikenakan terhadapnya,” katanya.

Kejadian ini mampu dielakkan....ini mungkin juga terjadi kepada anda...baca disini apa yang perlu anda tahu mengenai kebakaran kenderaan dan bagaimana ianya boleh dielakkan.

Man and two sons die in burning van after crash

Death trap Curious onlookers gathering to look at the vehicle that burst into flames killing Ong and two of his children soon after the accident near Parit Bunga off Tangkak in Johor late on Saturday night. A third son died at the hospital later

Man and two sons die in burning van after crash

TANGKAK: A church worker and his two sons were burnt to death after their van crashed into another vehicle and burst into flames late Saturday.
Another son died hours later at the hospital.
Ong Duu Siong, 46, and sons Zhen Suai, seven, and Zhen Zhee, four, died on the spot while another son Zhen Jie, three, died at the Sultanah Fatimah Specialist Hospital in Muar.
Ong’s wife Tan Yee King and their one-year-old son Zhen Li were also rushed to the hospital where they are receiving treatment.
Ledang police chief Supt Harun Idris said the accident occurred at 11.30pm when the family was near Parit Bunga.
Ong, who worked with the Calvary Church in Muar, was driving behind a Singapore-registered car when the car suddenly turned into a house.
A car coming from the opposite direction swerved to avoid crashing into the Singapore-registered car and rammed instead into Ong’s van, he said.
The van skidded and burst into flames.
Ong was partly burnt but his sons were charred beyond recognition. He said their identification documents were also burnt.
Although Tan had no external injuries, she was traumatised, he said, adding that the police had detained the driver of the Singapore-registered car.
Meanwhile, relatives who gathered at the hospital asked reporters not to interview Tan as she was not well and needed emergency treatment.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

The meaning of this nasheed is beautiful!

So many colors

Bowing before you
Sisters and brothers
All grateful to you

The more we learn to read your signs
That are concealed between the lines
The more were drawn towards the light

Open my eyes so I can see
The light of hope you sent to me
The rain that brings me back to life


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Malaysia Muslims sour over revamped pork soup

Malaysia Muslims sour over revamped pork soup

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia – A Malaysian government-backed campaign to popularize a well-known ethnic Chinese soup by making a version that avoids pork and fulfills Islamic dietary rules sparked criticism Tuesday by activists who fear it will confuse Muslims.
A halal version of "bak kut teh," a herbal broth traditionally made with pork ribs, was introduced at a Tourism Ministry food fair last weekend to promote local cuisine. The new version contains chicken, seafood or vegetables instead of pork, which Islam prohibits.
However, some Muslims object to the use of "bak kut teh" to identify the revamped recipe, saying the name is synonymous with pork among people in Muslim-majority Malaysia and neighboring Singapore, where the dish is beloved by the ethnic Chinese community.
"Bak kut teh" means "meat bone tea" in a Chinese dialect, but the meat is generally understood to be pork.
"This will cause misunderstanding among the public. It might even lead some Muslims to wonder whether it is all right to eat pork," said Ma'mor Osman, secretary general of the Malaysian Muslim Consumers Association.
The association plans to send a complaint to the Tourism Ministry, urging it to find a new name for the halal version, Ma'mor told The Associated Press.
The Department of Islamic Development, a government group that oversees Islamic policies, reportedly said it won't allow the dish to be formally certified as halal if it continues to be named "bak kut teh."
Islamic authorities are worried that Muslims will wrongly assume that the soup's pork version is suitable for consumption, the department's deputy director, Lokman Abdul Rahman, told the Utusan Malaysia newspaper.
Tourism Ministry officials who could comment on the matter were not immediately available. The ministry has spearheaded many culinary promotion efforts this year, hoping to project Malaysia as a travel destination for a wide variety of unique dishes.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Scomi Financial Highlights

Currency in
Millions of Malaysian Ringgits
As of:Jan 02
Jan 02
Jan 02
Jan 02
TOTAL REVENUES1,068.01,577.51,955.52,106.1
Cost of Goods Sold802.21,126.51,399.21,562.9
GROSS PROFIT265.8451.0556.3543.2
Selling General & Admin Expenses, Total209.2302.7355.4401.8
Other Operating Expenses-165.6-20.8-149.9-45.9
OPERATING INCOME222.2169.1350.8187.3
Interest Expense-42.2-77.1-80.5-69.8
Interest and Investment Income0.3------
NET INTEREST EXPENSE-41.9-77.1-80.5-69.8
Income (Loss) on Equity Investments6.429.923.628.0
Currency Exchange Gains (Loss)---1.110.7-6.7
Other Non-Operating Income (Expenses)-----18.11.3
EBT, EXCLUDING UNUSUAL ITEMS186.8120.7286.4140.2
EBT, INCLUDING UNUSUAL ITEMS186.8120.7286.4140.2
Income Tax Expense13.913.04.33.9
Minority Interest in Earnings-21.2-15.3-25.0-19.7
Earnings from Continuing Operations151.792.4257.1116.6
NET INCOME151.792.4257.1116.6

source :